GÖTEBORG. Jocke Björklund har tacklat mot Malmö FF förr. Nu gör han det mot Henrik Rydström. – Då är han bara löjlig, säger ...
När en vän vinner OS-guld får man bli sentimental. Det är sedan gammalt. Det var 105 år sedan, men i helgen tog ölänningarna Joakim Lantz och Joacim Johanson hem OS-guld till Öland. ”Känslosamt”, ...
Ingen kan väl ha missat att Kent gör som alla andra band som lagt ner – och gör comeback. Hela sex konserter på 3Arena blir ...
Pettersson produced a power-play assist, six hits, two blocked shots and a minus-2 rating in Sunday's 3-1 loss to Utah. Pettersson is on a four-game point streak (three goals, three assists ...
VANCOUVER - Elias Pettersson is feeling good — and that’s good news for the Vancouver Canucks. The Swedish centre scored his 15th goal of the season and contributed an assist Saturday ...
Elias Pettersson's hot streak continued with a big game on Saturday night against the Chicago Blackhawks and it appears that his slump has come to an end. It's been a tough season for Vancouver ...
Turns out the head shot Elias “Junior” Pettersson took to the back of the head on Wednesday looked worse than it actually was. The Vancouver Canucks’ rookie defenceman was a full participant ...
Visa mer Uthyrningspriset har höjts flera gånger sedan Jocke och Jonna började hyra ut ”Lundellhuset”. Både för att undvika att ungdomar går ihop och hyr huset och lämnar det ”grisigt” och för att ...
Calgary Flames forward Connor Zary will have a hearing from the Department of Player Safety for a headshot on Vancouver Canucks defenceman Elias Pettersson. Calgary’s Connor Zary will have a ...
Elias Pettersson (the defenceman) threw a huge hit on Nazem Kadri that drew the ire of Connor Zary. Zary delivered a cheap shot to the back of Pettersson’s head, and chaos ensued: Pettersson ...
NEW YORK -- Calgary forward Connor Zary was suspended two games without pay Thursday for elbowing Vancouver defenseman Elias Pettersson during the Canucks' 4-3 shootout victory over the Flames.