Earth’s core could contain helium from the early solar system. The noble gas tucks into gaps in iron crystals under high pressure and temperature.
Iron can form compounds with helium at pressures as low as 5GPa – about 50,000 atmospheres – researchers in Japan report.
The best time of day to take iron supplements depends on the person and their dosing regimen, but the experts agree that the ...
The discovery that inert helium can form bonds with iron may reshape our understanding of Earth’s history. Researchers from ...
"We concluded that iron oxides are 'catalytic traps' because they catalyze the reaction to remove phosphate from organic ...
In 2022, the Webb telescope detected unequivocal evidence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of a distant exoplanet called ...
Scientists have uncovered that iron oxides, previously thought to trap phosphorus, actually help convert it into a ...
The diamond anvil crushed iron and helium together under conditions mimicking those inside the Earth, to create a new compound. These compounds remained stable when pressures were reduced.
These results suggest that similar reactions between helium and iron may have occurred within Earth’s core shortly after its formation, trapping much of the primordial helium-3 in the material that ...
The premise is that cooking food destroys valuable nutrients, but stripping back your diet to eat foods the way nature ...