During the age of dinosaurs, small predators with unexpectedly advanced eyes hunted in the darkness roughly 100 million years ...
About 90% of flowering plants rely on animals to transfer their pollen and optimize reproduction, making pollination one of ...
Adult insects are known for their fascinating and complex eyes, which allow them to accomplish remarkable sensory feats when ...
Scientists have discovered the oldest fossil evidence of insect larvae with highly developed eyes, revealing that some ...
It is commonly accepted that insects could possibly be a mechanical vector for transferring pathogens. Especially now larvae ...
Of the top 50 invertebrate prey species that the team identified, 43 are known to visit flowers. Europe’s top three main crop ...
Invasive species prefers honeybees but study finds ‘highly flexible predators’ will prey on all insects abundant near their ...
Asian hornets are far more dangerous to ecosystems than previously thought, consuming over 1,400 insect species — including ...
Animal rights group Wakker Dier has written to farm minister Femke Wiersma calling for better protection for insects, ...
Some caterpillars are even predators. The larvae of the brown scale moth (Mataeomera coccophaga), for instance, eats scale insects. Moths and their larvae provide a fat and protein-rich food source ...