BOISE — The Idaho Senate on Thursday passed a bill to allow eligible foster youth to stay in the system until age 23.
Just days following the Idaho Senate’s approval of a bill to revise the state constitution in a bid to halt voter-initiated ...
Governor Brad Little and House and Senate leaders commented today on the Governor’s signing of House Bill 231, which ...
The Idaho Legislature’s Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee approved funding to fight wildfires and bonuses for wildland ...
The House rejected the resolution on a 26-44 vote, and on a similar vote rejected a related proposal by Redman, House Concurrent Resolution 9, which would’ve outlined a process for the Idaho ...
Senate Bill 1044 would require students to be good at both reading and writing in cursive by the end of the 5th grade.
Emergency decisions made during the COVID-19 pandemic angered state lawmakers, Boise State professor says. Legislatures ...
Idaho lawmakers grapple over state budget decisions, as some Democrats protest what they describe as "budget chaos," while ...
By stunningly lopsided votes (Senate 32-1-2, House 70-0-0), the Idaho legislature has approved the passage of the Idaho ...
House Bill 234 aims to reduce state regulations for childcare facilities. The most controversial change would allow these ...