One halcyon spring day in 1903, the 69-year-old anatomist and naturalist Dr. James Bell Pettigrew sat at the top of a sloping ...
The demand for senior care services is poised for intense growth in the next 10 years as the Baby Boomer generation enters ...
Here are five recent innovative bioprinting and bioink studies that are building synthetic biological structures.
For nearly 70 years scientists have been probing, measuring, drilling and generally getting to know South Cascade Glacier in ...
A timely new exhibit surveys the work of a committed champion of the oppressed and marginalized.
Interconnected materials containing networks are ubiquitous in the world around us—rubber, car tires, human and engineered tissues, woven sheets and chain mail armor. Engineers often want these ...
The research found that washable and durable e-textiles are the key to satisfying consumer requirements for future wearable ...
As the technological and economic shifts of the digital age dramatically shake up the demands on the global workforce, ...
AI should be able to bring together the 3D geometry and atomic structure of ... that has already mapped millions of cells in the human body in a rigorous and standardized way.
Some risks are controllable, like personal habits, while others, like climate change and nuclear war, are beyond individual ...
In later centuries, Makkah came to be revered as the centre of the world (if not the universe), as illustrated in the ...
The Eliot Racer was slated for a summer 2024 release. After some modifications, it’s finally here. And we have thoughts.