The Big Tide Haida Title Lands Agreement affirms that the Haida have Aboriginal title over all of the islands' lands, beds of freshwater bodies, and foreshores to the low-tide mark.
“Haida Gwaii belongs to you, the Haida people,” Trudeau said, as the crowd cheered, clapped and rose to its feet. “This is only the beginning of a new chapter,” he said, between the Haida ...
Specializing in organic and wild-harvested products, Hollow Reed has a considerable inventory of herbs, essential oils and supplements. It also has lots going on in terms of opportunities to be with ...
“Haida Gwaii belongs to you, the Haida people,” Trudeau said, as the crowd cheered, clapped and rose to its feet. “This is only the beginning of a new chapter,” he said, between the Haida Nation and ...
The federal government will recognize Aboriginal title over the archipelago of Haida Gwaii off British Columbia's northern coast in a historic agreement with the Haida First Nation.
"Haida Gwaii belongs to you, the Haida people," he said, as the crowd cheered, clapped and rose to its feet. "This is only the beginning of a new chapter: between the Haida Nation and the Canadian ...
Haida Gwaii belongs to you, the Haida people, he said, as the crowd cheered, clapped and rose to its feet. This is only the beginning of a new chapter between the Haida Nation and the Canadian ...