Bacterial vaginosis is confined to an asymptomatic ... solution (positive whiff or sniff test). As an alternative, Gram-stain-based microbiological diagnosis of BV has been proposed.
Have Parents ever known what haemophilus influenzae is? This is one of the diseases that is more common in babies and ...
The founders of Bugworks Research are attempting to bring to market a new class of antibiotics--a first in almost half a ...
Aquarists use antibiotics to treat bacterial infections, such as fin rot, in fish. For the best chance of helping fish ...
Background: In adolescents and young females, abnormal vaginal discharge (AVD) is of prevalent concern. The syndromic therapy ...
AI models trained on mass spectrometry data efficiently detected antimicrobial resistance in bacterial strains. CNNs were also applied to classify Gram-stain morphologies with 95% accuracy.
Laboratory diagnosis typically involves the quantitation of bacterial cell morphotypes on a Gram-stained vaginal smear. Therapy of BV typically involves treatment with oral or intravaginal ...
Worry less and take holistic approach to pre and post-Holi care to ensure your skin and hair do not suffer the adverse effects.
It is probable that all these bacteria gained access to the tracheobronchial ... pathogens is found in routine sputum cultures or in Gram-stained sputum smears; there is difficulty in judging ...
Your healthcare provider may ask about color, but they may also take a sample of your mucus for a gram stain. This is a test that can help identify bacteria in your sputum. Coughing up white mucus has ...