Discovered on Instagram, Ugbad Abdi's journey from Somali refugee raised in Des Moines, Iowa, to high fashion supermodel is a testament to resilience.
HARVARD University alumnus Amri Bukhairi Bakhtiar counts himself among the few Malaysians who can say they studied alongside ...
Ahead, you'll find several looks that work for a college or high school graduation. Use the one you'd feel the most confident ...
Kolkata: Mahesh Dattani's play ‘Tara', which discusses gender discrimination, sexual marginalisation, familial discord, and ...
The residential nature of these schools attracts students from various geographical and cultural backgrounds ... which can be availed well after graduation. Students also become lifelong members ...
Bachelor's Degree Recipients Bachelor's degree recipients wear a green gown, green mortarboard (cap), and tassel differentiated by college. These are the only degrees in which the tassel color varies, ...
CINCINNATI -- The morning of Terry Francona's first Opening Day as Reds manager did not get off to a great start. It began in the dentist's chair. "I woke up at about 2 a.m. One of my veneers, I think ...
Invitations to book a place at the ceremony will be sent via email at the end of April. If there are two ceremonies for your School and you are unsure which ceremony your programme will be in, this ...