That scene, combined with goats being depicted in bloody scenes in oil paintings throughout the Lumon building, has sparked the internet’s curiosity. Irving and Bert admire a painting (with ...
A special exhibit of Wood and Wool by Lost Mile Designs, featuring Pam Bullock and Tim Hayes, opens this Friday, Feb. 7, from ...
W atching Severance’s title sequence is like being swaddled by a night terror — in a good way. When the series debuted in 2022, there was real pleasure in the distinctive feel ...
British painter John Craxton, who lived from 1922 until 2009, is known for his iconic depiction of his beloved second ...
Christopher Nolan will film scenes for The Odyssey on the Sicilian island where Homer’s Greek hero Odysseus came ashore. View ...
H projects and activities feature prominently every year at the Meeker County Fair. But the spotlight on the organization intensified this past weekend at the fairgrounds in Litchfield. Among ...
Shannon Largey, raised on a farm in southeastern Massachusetts, owns a Somerville "whole animal" market, where all meat is ...
It’s a sunny October day in the village of Temoula on the outskirts of the southern Tunisian town of Gabès, and an eclectic group of creatives is gathering in a sandy alley to watch artist eL Seed ...
Oliver Latta, the animator of the "Severance" credit sequence, explains some of the characters and symbols you'll find in the ...
A list of the top 10 global regions where natural or anthropogenic sources emit methane on a continuous, "persistent" basis ...
In the exhibit titled Dry Thunder, Misbah Ahmed explores heritage, resistance and belonging through two mediums.
6 international art exhibit in New Orleans A lot of the lushness mentioned above can be attributed to Shreveport artist Brooke Picket, whose abstract oil paintings ... find a tiny goat tethered ...