This week marks the anniversary of the Exxon Valdez spill, which shocked the US public with images of oil-covered Alaskan ...
Gig Harbor Women have transformed the Alaskan fishing industry since the 1970s, overcoming superstitions and proving their ...
A predator-control program in Western Alaska, recently ruled unconstitutional, is needed to boost the ailing Mulchatna ...
Alaska wildlife officials push to continue its aerial predator-control program despite a court ruling that says the program ...
Artists transform marine debris into art, educating national park visitors in the process.
A 60-day regulatory freeze enacted by President Donald Trump has disrupted key fisheries management processes, creating ...
LOS ANGELES (KCBS/KCAL) - A group of fishermen is accusing Bumble Bee Foods, one of the largest tuna importers, of slavery.
You are probably familiar with the story of 'A young bull and an old bull at the top of a hill. Hundreds of cows are grazing below.' ...
Zach Weimann, fishing on the Profishunt, took this year’s championship with a king salmon weighing in at 30.66 pounds. The last time the winning fish broke the 30-pound mark was in 2015, caught by ...
The fishing industry relies on the federal government.
Cook Inletkeeper’s next central Kenai Peninsula local solution project will center on locating and raising awareness of the ...
Utilizing the chitin in crab shells could add more than $10 million in first wholesale value. In fact, the ASMI report shows ...