What keeps you from loving others the way you, yourself, crave to be loved? And conversely, what’s lacking in your life (or more accurately, in your heart) that keeps you ...
I was in Costco with my wife and looking around I said, “There sure are a lot of flowers today.” In about two seconds it hit me. Valentine’s ...
Philosophers have always wrestled with how love can be so morally important, yet so personal and even arbitrary.
It would be easy to think about these days as being two very separate realities that we are marking on this day in which we express our love for those around us and this day in which we look at how we ...
A WWII veteran, devoted Catholic, and family man — my father embodied the balance of strength and kindness that today’s world ...
But for one dad in Fort Worth, Texas, a simple breakfast turned into an unforgettable reminder that those moments matter. Dr. J. Mack Slaughter, an ER doctor and father of three, was out for breakfast ...