As the spring season arrives, so does severe weather, leading to statewide tests of tornado sirens Wednesday. The sirens may ...
Tornado sirens will sound across Ohio on Wednesday. But don't worry — it's likely not the start of another terrible tornado season.
A statewide tornado drill scheduled for 9:50 a.m Wednesday, March 19, is part of a week-long effort to raise awareness of ...
As is customary during Severe Weather Awareness Week in Ohio, a statewide tornado drill is took place at 9:50 a.m. on Wednesday. Warning sirens were activated in Franklin County for three minutes, ...
Tornado terminology explained. The NWS explains the difference between the varying tornado alert terminology on its we ...
A Tornado WATCH means conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes in and near areas designated by the National Weather Service. Be ready to move to a place of safety if the watch is ...
Prepare yourself: Wednesday morning will bring the sound of blaring of tornado sirens. Ohio is having its annual statewide tornado drill at 9:50 a.m. March 19 as a part of Severe Weather Awareness ...
INDIANAPOLIS — Tornado sirens in Marion County are up and running again after a technical glitch kept them silent during a statewide tornado drill Tuesday. The county conducted a re-test at 11 a.m.
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- With severe weather looming across Kentuckiana, emergency officials in Crawford County, Indiana, are warning residents that two of its tornado sirens aren't working.
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Tornado sirens across the state will be activated this week as part of a yearly drill. The drill coincides with Severe Weather Awareness Week (March 16-22). The awareness week ...
Starting now, Douglas County will only activate sirens in areas under imminent threat, either from a tornado warning or severe destructive thunderstorm warning. Previously, sirens would activate ...