At the time, these “loose” seals had roughly 100 angstroms between the pipette and membrane. Neher and Sakmann recorded the minute changes in the electrical currents, lasting only 10–100 milliseconds, ...
The scientists used a high-resolution method to record the electrical activity in individual rods in the mouse retina, which they accessed with an ultra-tiny glass pipette—the width of about one ...
The waves originate when the electrical voltage in many neurons ... they used up to 10 "pipette feelers" at once—an extra large number for this method, which is known as the multipatch technique.
Electroporation uses short electric pulses to create transient pores in a cell ... such as the Invitrogen™ Neon™ NxT Electroporation System’s proprietary pipette tip technology and 8-Channel Pipette, ...