The Almighty God is again calling us to remembrance: we will all give an account of our lives (Haggai 1:5) and our stewardship (Romans 14:10). Wealth may shield you temporarily from the consequences ...
The new film from Bong Joon-ho smirks at scientific hubris, political corruption, and any attempt to make things better.
A  of bishops from various Christian denominations in the country said that the arrest of former President Rodrigo Duterte as ...
The Ecumenical Bishops Forum (EBF), a fellowship of Catholic and Protestant bishops, expressed a “profound sense of ...
When U2 was piecing together their 1993 album Zooropa, there was one track they were stuck on. Bono initially composed the song with Johnny Cash ‘s vocals in mind. During a visit to Dublin, Cash went ...
Have you ever felt like life was playing a cruel trick on you? That the universe dangled something precious right before your ...
As one starts shedding their wants and sticks to the basic primality of life, they recognize that true joy is derived from ...
Body, soul, and spirit. The Bible says we have all three. But since we live in the flesh, we don’t always understand that all three of these parts actually define who we are.
God chooses Bezalel, his assistant Oholiab, and every skilled craftsman that God has found (male or female) (Exodus 31:1-6). Skilled craftsmen, like God, are creative. They, like the Sabbath, are the ...
Decrying a world characterized by materialism, violence and blind conformity, Dylan echoed the warnings of King Solomon.
ShareTyranny of death and the indomitable spirit of mankind Death, shame on you. You have always killed the body, not the ...