Gigantamax Snorlax will debut in Pokemon Go with its own Max Battle Day. Here are all the details, including the paid ticket ...
Pokemon GO announces the addition of another Gigantamax Pokemon, bringing players the alternative form of a popular pocket ...
Gigantamax Snorlax is making its long-awaited Pokémon Go debut, and you won’t want to miss this special Max Battle Day on ...
Pokemon GO released Shiny Dynamax Raikou as part of the Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Weekend on March 15, 2025. Those who win the Dynamax Raikou Max Battle have a chance to get a Shiny Raikou that ...
Pokemon GO debuts the Legendary Dynamax Raikou as a 5-Star Max Battle Boss in March 2025. Winning the Dynamax Raikou Max Battle rewards a guaranteed encounter with a Raikou that can Dynamax.
The Pokemon GO Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Weekend brings Dynamax Raikou's debut in five-star Max Battles. The event runs from March 15-16 with chances to encounter a Shiny version. Players should ...
Pokémon Go Buddy Distances allow you to work out which Buddy to accompany you everywhere you go to earn some free Candy. Similar to Egg hatching in Pokémon Go, it's a background activity that ...
The Dynamax Raikou raids have begun in Pokémon Go, and this fearsome adversary is ready to take on players worldwide. For those keen to challenge Dynamax Raikou, you’ll want to create a team to ...
Each Pokémon has a limited pool of attacks, such as a Dynamax Raikou, the legendary Electric-type Pokémon from the Johto region. For those who were able to defeat Dynamax Raikou and catch it ...
Gigantamax Pokémon deal more damage than Dynamax, so if you don’t have Excadrill opt for your best levelled up Gigantamax counters. Gigantamax Lapras, Kingler and Blastoise have been left off the ...
Take on Dynamax Raikou in Pokémon GO this weekend. This weekend will see Dynamax Raikou come to Pokémon GO. Raikou appears across all of Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 of March in five-star Max Battles.