Searching For Yemberzal’ Author: Zitien Tickoo ‘Searchng For Yemberzal’ is authored by 15-year-old Kashmiri girl, Zitien ...
Like humans, sometimes dogs bite their nails. This can be for a number of reasons, from grooming to a medical issue, and many ...
There is no shortage of ways to express yourself through your nail aesthetic. Maybe you style your fingertips in accordance with the zodiac calendar, with holiday-inspired designs, or by following ...
“You want to protect the nail from where it starts, so that by the time it gets out there, it’s not damaged,” Dr. Spearman says. To maintain healthy nails, Dr. Spearman recommends applying ...
Barondess Fellowship in the Clinical Transaction is awarded to Dr. Jessica Lichter and Dr. Shyam Sundaresh. Jessica Lichter, MD, is a hospitalist at Elmhurst Hospital, NYC Health + Hospitals ...
On the its most basic level, this episode of Dr. Stone is about the differing philosophies of Senku and Dr. Xeno. When they first begin their correspondence, both are rather idealistic in their ...
Promise. If you’ve got short nails like me, finding inspo for your next manicure can be tough because the majority of trending nail designs focus on long nails. So I decided to do a solid for ...
Mr. Higgins is a journalist based in New England. Before medical contrarianism became intrinsic to his identity, Dr. Mehmet Oz appeared motivated by curiosity rather than opportunism. Arriving at ...
Dr. Oz conceded that his claims often “don’t have the scientific muster to present as fact.” Image With his wife, Lisa Oz, at a benefit in New York City in 2018.
A little gold goes a long way. This manicure features a mix of glossy black nails and half-black, half-milky pink nails divided by a fine gold outline. Chic, striking, and just the right amount of ...