Anyway, never mind all that. The sun is out, and books still exist and are and mostly advertisement free! Here to talk about ...
With Eberron, the 3.5 edition Dungeons & Dragons rules received a setting wholly designed around its mechanics. D&D 2024 ...
Dungeons & Dragons fans can snag the recently reissued Dragonlance Chronicles novel trilogy for only $28 at Amazon.
Amid all the “Austenmania”, including balls, festivals, podcasts, television series and new books, what are the odds of finding something new? An American rare-book dealer, Rebecca Romney ...
Snazzy, pre-built adventures from old DnD books, custom digital minis and dice – you name it, they could’ve sold it. In 2020, with the right following wind, Sigil could have been Dungeons and Dragons’ ...
These little touches reveal the personality and passion behind the operation – this isn’t just a warehouse of free stuff; it’s a carefully curated collection maintained by people who genuinely love ...
Crossplay will mean joining up with my IRL Dungeons & Dragons party in Baldur’s Gate 3, letting us adventure even on days when I don’t make the hourlong commute into the city to roll dice in ...
Additionally, other ‘fantastical’ DnD races include lineages but exclude third-party DnD books and species in non-book supplements. Below are the main DnD races and species. Aasimar are humanoids with ...
GOSHEN — Goshen & Dragons has partnered with Theater Geeks, Dweebs and Weirdos to present a live actual play of Dungeons & Dragons at the Goshen Theater at 7 p.m. Friday, March 21 Doors open at ...
Pokémon cards from the next set are starting to be revealed, even though it’s not out until late May. That’s because we’re starting to see the spoilers for the Japanese set Heat Wave Arena. This ...
By the next day, I had purchased nearly all of the 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons books — I was hooked and have been ever since." Ritchea, who works as the communications director for Indiana Dunes ...