From a distance, they look like tiny white dots floating on the sea. But get closer, and you’ll see people sitting on ...
Evolving roughly 27 different times in the long history of fish, bioluminescence—the biological production of light—is one of ...
A silent killer is lurking in the ocean, and no, it is not Levithan that the internet has been oh so raving about. This ...
As dawn breaks on calm days, hundreds of fishermen set sail in their unusual rafts, known as “corchos” (or corks), along the ...
“The law of the sea basically colonized [Pacific peoples’] ocean,” said Frank Murphy, a resident of French Polynesia who ...
From a chain of massive barges stretching from a Chinese beach into the sea, to a powerful new design for cutting undersea ...
The fishing trade in Tanzania remains highly the fishing trade in Tanzania remains highly uneven, with the Lake Zone ...
A joint political effort at the highest level, combined with community education and awareness about cultural sensitivities, ...
Muhammad Syafi’i remembers screaming in pain as hot cooking oil splashed across his stomach and dripped down his legs, his ...