DC Comics may be emulating a cartoon romance from the DCAU, but this could backfire, especially given how it affects one ...
The romance between Hawkwoman and the Green Lantern John Stewart was one of the most powerful subplots of the DC Animated Universe. Their star-crossed romance defined the most popular images of ...
Thanagar was destroyed by a rage poisoned Mogo, the living planet Green Lantern, due to the machinations of former United Planets leader Thaaros. The remains of the planet, though, contain something ...
While Hal is an icon in the Green Lantern mythos, Stewart is a fan-favorite character who especially struck a chord with the millennials through his appearance in the celebrated DCAU. "I couldn't have ...
While human Hal Jordan is a legendary member of the Green Lantern Corps, another human, John Stewart, is beloved by millennials for his role in the Justice League animated series, which was part of ...
Guy Gardner came to prominence in the 1980s, but his first appearance in DC Comics is in the pages of 1968's Green Lantern ...
But one element that has some fans up in arms is the film's Green Lantern, Nathan Fillion’s Guy Gardner. Quite simply: His bowl cut is funny, and it makes him look like a dweeb. He appears to be ...
What Did They Do To Hal Jordon In Absolute Green Lantern #1 by Al Ewing and Jahnoy Lindsay from DC Comics? (Spoilers) ...