Depending on your Pokémon game, you may even be able to mega-evolve them into a matching ... Sapphire and Emerald. Rayquaza has a long green, snake-like body with spikes. Groudon is a large ...
Make sure you have access to cool drinks, shady spots ... or for even more boosts, Mega Rayquaza, Primal Groudon, and Primal Kyogre, boost three typings. We’ll have a full breakdown on which Mega ...
If you’ve lost track over the years, you’re not alone – after nine full generations, the total has ballooned from the original 151 into quadruple figures, and that’s not even including regional ...
Here are ten additional non-Shadow and non-Mega counters that can help take down Zekrom with efficiency. Zekrom can be defeated with two trainers, but if you cannot guarantee the top counters with ...
Languages: English. Mega Evolution was the first major battle gimmick, introduced back in Generation 6, and it's still looked back upon fondly by fans. It was cool to see some of our favourite ...
Here’s how to keep your cool no matter what happens, according to Lorenzini and other experts. What to do before a crisis arises When Lorenzini was 9 years old, she went snorkeling with her ...
The three devices have a lot of things in common, according to a new mega leak, especially when it comes to their display specs and their overall design. The design is obvious from the sets of ...
Even as headline inflation rate has come down, imported inflation on account of weakening rupee and led by gold and silver remains a cause of anxiety. This has also pushed core Inflation ...
"Super cool" roofs can help to reduce global warming, but aren't considered suitable for residential homes because they create glare and winter heating issues. New research has found fluorescent ...