House Bill 1272 on construction defects heads to committee with amendments. Home builders and trial lawyers continue to ...
Rep. Bryan Posthumus is leading the charge for a constitutional amendment to guard against voter fraud but has faced ...
Lawmakers questioned why a report showing millions going to insurance shareholders and affiliate companies remained hidden as ...
There’s always this lingering idea of a “forever home”. As kids, when we used to draw our “dream house” with a garden or a ...
The real-estate boom sparked by the 2020 arrival of coronavirus pandemic has had lasting effects on Palm Beach real estate.
The median home in Somerset County listed for $242,450 in February, down 0.5% from the previous month's $243,650, an analysis ...
Stretching your budget to buy a home you fall in love with is another first-time homebuyer mistake to avoid. With high home ...
Signed contracts of luxury residential properties in Miami-Dade County dropped for the second consecutive week.
DEAR ABBY: I’m falling for a man at church. I’m a widow, and he’s a widower. We have been seeing each other for about two ...
The following deeds were transferred in Shelby County from Jan. 29-Feb. 7: Jan. 29 -Danny N. Isbell to Mario Ismael Flores, for $130,000, for Lot 73 in Deer Springs Estates First Addition.
Kelli Bryant also allegedly had other inmates call the children's caregiver. These calls violate a rule set by the court.