If you don't want to wait until next year for Pokemon Legos, check out these Mega Blok sets while many are at a discount.
These shows like The Sopranos are some of the best TV series of all time and have won Emmys for Outstanding Drama Series, ...
After spiking hard for the past six months, the chase Pokémon TCG card Charizard ex is dropping in value, thanks it seems, to ...
A Pokémon is more than its first impression, as fans quickly learn when they dig in deep to a Fire-type Pokémon's origins.
A Pokemon fan shares several creative redesigns of Bulbasaur, giving the iconic Pokemon new looks based off of several ...
Yeah, that's right. And my my prize would be some strawberry action figure. - Okay, cool. Yeah, we'll work on that, that's doable. Let's go over to Old Orchard Beach Ransom. - I've always been a ...
A very warm Tuesday is on tap, with highs closing in on 90-degrees due to a stalling frontal boundary along the Red River. The last time DFW hit 90 was on October 23 rd, 2024. As a weak cold front ...
Make sure in all that exploration, your heart remains. Similar to Squirtle and Charmander fans, you saw the mascot and believed that was the best Pokemon. When it switched over, you were devastated ...
Mew is generally only available during special events. For example, in September 2023 it was possible to use a Mystery Gift and a code to unlock Mew in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – but that code has ...