Nevertheless, when he arrived at Iceland’s capital ... choked with people charging back in,” Brad Darrach wrote in “Bobby Fischer vs. the Rest of the World” (1974).
Spassky is best remembered for his duel with American Bobby Fischer in 1972 ... would keep his title for just three years. In 1972 in Iceland he played the match that would define his career ...
Iceland on July 5, 1972, after they walked out of a meeting representatives of Bobby Fischer, Spassky's challenger from America. Credit: AP At the time of their famous match, the Soviet Union had ...
Bobby Fischer, right, and Boris Spassky play their last game together in Reykjavik, Iceland, Aug. 31, 1972. / Credit: J. Walter Green / AP One of the first to react was Soviet grandmaster Anatoly ...
MOSCOW — Boris Spassky, a Soviet-era world chess champion who lost his title to American Bobby Fischer ... When Fischer won the international chess crown in Reykjavik, Iceland, the then-29 ...
Spassky is best remembered for his duel with American Bobby Fischer in 1972 ... would keep his title for just three years. In 1972 in Iceland he played the match that would define his career ...
When Mr. Spassky, a Russian, played Bobby Fischer, an American, in Iceland at the height of the Cold War, the media attention reduced them to pawns in a wider drama. By Dylan Loeb McClain Boris ...
The world champion, dethroned by the American in the middle of the Cold War, died on February 27 in Moscow at the age of 88 after a life worthy of the movies ...
MOSCOW (AP) — Boris Spassky, a Soviet-era world chess champion who lost his title to American Bobby ... When Fischer won the international chess crown in Reykjavik, Iceland, the then-29-year ...
Boris Spassky, a Soviet-era world chess champion who lost his title to American Bobby Fischer in a legendary 1972 match that ...