Get to know the lyrics of 'Flowers' by Miley Cyrus. Get to know the meaning and success behind this record-breaking hit. Start your journey now!
Love might be the most universal emotion to write about, but these songs are one of the flimsiest, creepiest, or downright gross ways of capturing romance.
Kid Rock threw a tantrum and stormed off the stage at Jon Bon Jovi’s Nashville bar, blaming the audience for not clapping ...
Kid Rock had an on-stage meltdown after a Nashville crowd refused to clap to the beat. The 54-year-old country star made a ...
This week's crop of new music also features songs from Mackenzie Carpenter with Midland, as well as Vinny Tovar and Aubry ...
Kid Rock threw a tantrum and stormed off the stage at Jon Bon Jovi’s Nashville bar, blaming the audience for not clapping ...