Bettas are one of the most popular fish species. Most people consider them relatively active, but this isn’t always true.
A new study published in Animal Welfare examined how tank size and furnishings impact the behaviour of Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens), one of the world's most popular aquarium fish.
Betta fish actually loves hiding and sleeping around plants, so adding some appropriate plants to your tank will make it more like a home to bettas. Bettas DON’T eat plants (whether leaves, roots, or ...
Ever get a hankering to open up a coloring book and go at it with a box ... "Art isn't just confined to museums," they proclaim on their Facebook page. In defense of that attitude, they also ...
The Neat Market Vegan Shop-Up pops up monthly at HoodLAB, adjacent to the Nooch Vegan Market in RiNo. Hosted by the vegan advocacy group Plants & Animals Denver, which also throws the monthly ...