Auckland Airport has unveiled how it plans to build a new secondary runway ahead of major changes to the domestic terminal.
"We need your thoughts, and the lessons you have learnt being involved in similar projects," Chris Bishop has told a summit.
Walking in, the first thing that hit me was how different it felt from a typical five-star hotel,” says Bridge. “The lobby is ...
Mangere locals are on a mission to promote cycling in the south Auckland suburb - aiming to make the area the cycling capital of the pacific. A new cycleway's in the works to boost biking in the area, ...
In about five years’ time Auckland Airport needs to replace slabs across the main areas of the runway and nearby taxiways - upgrades that are standard practice in concrete airports around the world ...
More than 100 offshore firms are making an appearance at the Government's Infrastructure Investment Summit in Auckland over ...
Auckland Business Chamber Chief Executive Simon Bridges told Andrew Dickens expects to see the opening up of public-private partnerships in areas like health, justice and the Māori economy. He says ...
Durham County Council has proposed the construction of a new active travel bridge, which will connect land between Oakley Green, West Auckland, and Bainbridge Crescent, St Helen Auckland.
Promising high-performance snowboarders Brooke Hansen (17), Keani Wilson (17) and mountain bikers Indy Deavoll (16), Quinn ...
The Government is starting a market-sounding process for an additional Waitematā Harbour crossing next month and expects to ...
Auckland University of Technology provides funding as a member ... funders receive guaranteed revenue from user payments, ...