In an era where global upheaval dominates headlines, Indian filmmaker Girish Malik is stepping forward with an ambitious docu-drama that aims to offer ancient solutions to modern problems. “Mahamantra ...
After the catastrophic floods that swept through Valencia last year, Michael Hodges explains why it’s time to go back to the ...
Galen, a Greek physician, surgeon and philosopher who lived during Roman times, described the heart as the body’s furnace, ...
Our enemies, ancient and contemporary, parade us around not out of kindness or magnanimity but to humiliate and destroy our people’s morale.
Ancient DNA from 348 individuals suggests that pale skin became the predominant characteristic of people living in Europe ...
A vast archive of letters sent by relatives of soldiers missing in World War One seeking the help of Spain's King Alfonso ...
Workers uncovered elaborate frescoes hidden behind a mantel in a church. The glittering works of art are revealing more about ...
In the 19th century, archaeologists in Poland unearthed a stunning cave filled with prehistoric secrets. The Maszycka Cave, ...
In the Arizona desert, researchers are learning so much more about the peoples who have inhabited this land since antiquity ...
Over 5,300 years ago, ancient herders known as the Yamna people emerged from the steppes of what is now Ukraine, going on to ...
If you are looking for a way to relax in Chicago, then head to the Windy City's only ancient Roman bathhouse for unmatched rejuvenation within historic walls.