Choose from Human Direction stock illustrations from iStock. Find high-quality royalty-free vector images that you won't find anywhere else. Video Back Videos home Signature collection Essentials ...
A new AI tool builds sophisticated map of mouse brains. It is a detailed view of the brain like never seen before. In a significant technological leap, University of Florida researchers have created a ...
A breakthrough in bioprinting of living tissues could soon lead to 3D-printing of blood vessels and human organs, ushering in a new era of regenerative medicine. Guohao Dai, a bioengineering ...
AI tool MetaVision3D creates detailed 3D maps of mouse brain metabolism, offering new insights into Alzheimer's and other ...
A Bengaluru startup in pursuit of the Holy Grail—printing an actual organ like a heart, liver, or kidney. Organ rejection ...
As the technology takes over the internet, we are hobbling our ability to create. By Sarah Manavis It comes in a variety of forms, from the smooth and the surreal to the truly, unbelievably ugly, but ...
Polish startup Clone Robotics has shared a terrifying new clip of Protoclone, its 'faceless, anatomically accurate synthetic human'. Like something from the Terminator movies, the 6-foot ...
Reading Genesis to this point, one thing should stand out: the unity of the human family. Indeed, humanity is presented as a family that, as sin increasingly pervades the picture, is more and more ...
Credit: Tessa van der Riet Biomedical engineers at the University of Melbourne have developed a 3D bioprinting system capable of creating structures that closely replicate the diverse tissues of the ...
In a dystopian world where every wall is lined with televisions and the screen is used to distract individuals from the frailty and suffering inherent in the human condition, books are outlawed ...