A new report by the Education Policy Institute has highlighted the inequalities that exist in SEND support across schools in ...
The government has announced £30 million to provide Bikeability cycle training to children, as part of almost £300 million to boost active travel in England.
New leadership appointments have been made at Skills England, the national body launched last summer to meet the skills needs of the country.
UK schools have received funding to boost nature projects on their grounds and increase their students’ connection with nature.
The Department for Education (DfE) has published their report, ‘Effectiveness of school mental health awareness interventions ...
Sir Ian will start the permanent five-year position after serving as interim Chief Regulator since 1st Jan 2024.
As a result of academisation and even in maintained schools, where the role of the LA is changing with less support available for schools, the role of the school business manager is becoming even more ...
How can schools cut down their reliance on ultra-processed food and embed a good food culture into all aspects of school life? The Soil Association shares some ideas When you think about what the ...
A recent report has highlighted that schools are cutting back on school trips due to stretched finances and pressed timetables. But in the face of widening educational inequality and declining mental ...
The close contact nature of the classroom and children’s often poor hygiene can result in bacterial infections quickly spreading from child to child. This is why school classrooms make the ideal ...
Music can say a lot about a school and an increasing number of schools benefit from the transformational power that music brings. A child’s education that embraces music starts in train a life-long ...
Public Health Wales are asking for views on their new set of standards for a holistic approach to health and wellbeing in ...