Magnetrons 4th series are compact, which does not affect performance. Magnetrons Gen4 MG40xx X-Band available in 4, 6 and 12.5kW and fully comply with the new requirements of the IMO false frequencies ...
TT-6081 - power supply - charger manufactured by Sailor, designed to work on a ship. The Ethernet interface is used to monitor and control the device.
Connecting cable Furuno MJ-A7SPF0007-050C 7-pin NMEA 0183. Used to connect devices from the Furuno NavNet series and to transmit navigation data via the NMEA 0183 protocol.
You can call a specialist to check the equipment by sending a request to [email protected]. For questions, contact the service department by phone in St. Petersburg (+7 812) 4-673-673, in Petrozavodsk ...
AT-62 is a receiving-transmitting fiberglass antenna developed by Comrod. The antenna is designed for operation both at sea and on land, meets the requirements of the ...
NQW-261 - is a waterproof tube radiotelephone for transmitting voice messages, and distress signal. Designed specifically for use in marine environments. The case is made from quality materials that ...
Operator Keyboard Sailor 6001 - a mandatory accessory as an option for special monitors Sailor 6006 message terminal. Fully compliant with the requirements of the GMDSS equipment. Equipped with a USB ...
The MPA-9000 is a command-based broadcast device designed for use on marine vessels, floating drilling rigs, fishing vessels and flight navigation complexes. It is used to transmit voice messages, ...
Comrod AV-7 is a high-quality dipole antenna designed for maritime radiotelephony services, operating in the frequency range 156-165 MHz. The AV-7 has a sturdy construction and can be installed on the ...
NAVTEX receiver SNX-300, manufactured by Samyung ENC Co., Ltd, is the development in 2005 and the new requirements of the National Maritime Administration of the Russian Federation stated in TET ...
Magnetron MAF1615B - compact, lightweight, durable, designed for use in a radar system with a fixed frequency band 9380 - 9440MHz and maximum output power of 12kW. Reduced voltage when the heater ...
Глобальная навигационная спутниковая система (GNSS) используется для определения местоположения в любой точке на поверхности Земли и в ...