Pokemon GO Festival of Colors 2025 event debuts the much-awaited Shiny Bruxish. There are different ways to encounter a Shiny Bruxish, especially during featured events like the Festival of Colors.
For every pokemon you encounter on your adventure to become the world’s greatest trainer, you have about a 1 in 8000 chance of that pokemon being ‘shiny’, or a different color than normal.
Normal (left) vs Shiny (right). Credit reddit user skinnysnorlaz They won't appear as a different colour in the field, so you have to attempt to catch them first. They of course can also appear in ...
Shiny Pokemon are a big draw for a lot of fans of the franchise. Players will spend countless hours trying to find them across various games, in large part due to their rarity. Every once in a while, ...
Instead, Pokemon GO Bug Out offers boosted encounter rates for Shiny Wurmple and Shiny Venipede. All other critters available during the event are also eligible to be shiny. This article ...
The 100% perfect IV stats for Totodile, including a preview of shiny Croconaw and Feraligatr, for March’s Community Day ...