An “impressive amount” of innovative activity across local government has been praised in a joint report from three public bodies. The report, More than good ideas, has been published by the ...
This paper from the Local Government Association and the Improvement and Development Agency sets out initial views about the nature and purpose of a strategy for improving local government. It ...
This programme is now available to view on, the online television channel for public service modernisation. It features an interview with the Chief Executive of Woking Borough Council who ...
The Parliamentary and Health Service and Local Government Ombudsmen have said there are “serious questions” about how well equipped the NHS and councils are to plan for and provide services for people ...
Reward specialists and HR professionals have challenged the received wisdom about performance related pay with an alternative view that could significantly increase staff motivation with a better ...
Pensioners in some of England’s poorest rural areas will be given extra encouragement to take up benefits and allowances through a new one and a quarter million pound fund launched by the Rural ...
Education Minister David Blunkett has published a 350 million pound strategy to tackle education black spots in six inner city areas across the UK. When implementation reveals what measures work best ...
This discussion paper published jointly by ODPM and the Treasury is an essential part of the ‘Local Vision’ which is taking a long view of where local government is going. It examines the development ...
Over half the applicants for the Charter Mark in 1998 failed to get the award for excellence in public service. This resulted in much work for the unsuccessful applicants as well as for the Service ...
The Leicester and Leicestershire City Deal will create thousands of new jobs and apprentices. It aims to halve youth unemployment by establishing the ‘Young Persons Pledge’. This pledge commits the ...
The Harvard Business Review paperback series is designed to bring today’s managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world The eight articles ...
Important issues of governance for the voluntary sector will be in the spotlight today when the National Council for Voluntary Organisations stages its eighth annual conference for trustees of ...