In just a few short weeks early in his second term, President Donald Trump has upended transatlantic relations by negotiating with Russia without including Ukraine or European leaders, embracing ...
As a Swiss center of expertise on matters of security policy, the CSS think tank adopts a broad perspective concerning the spectrum of international security policy issues it comments on. The ...
Author(s): Farzaneh Badiei, Marie Baezner, Matteo E. Bonfanti, Aaron F. Brantly, Sean Cordey, Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Jacqueline Eggenschwiler, Johan Eriksson, Giampiero ...
Wiktoria Gajos is a Researcher at the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich. She is actively involved in the ETH/ICRC project titled “A Protection Framework for Digital(ized) Conflicts: ...
These new resources not only provide valuable insights into professional mediation techniques but also offer practical support for peace mediators in conflict areas and learning tools for mediation ...
Peacebuilding and conflict prevention initiatives worldwide increasingly rely on so-called “PeaceTech” applications, i.e., digital tools that support conflict early warning, mediation, and ...
Almost all peace processes involve ceasefires. These ceasefire arrangements vary greatly in terms of their timing, content, and connection to the political negotiation process. In Colombia, the ...
Friedensförderungs- und Konfliktpräventionsinitiativen weltweit setzen zunehmend auf «PeaceTech»-Anwendungen, d.h. digitale Werkzeuge zur Unterstützung von ...
Die friedensfördernden Einsätze während und nach den Jugoslawienkriegen markierten eine Zeitenwende in der Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik. Zum ersten Mal engagierte sich die Eidgenossenschaft mit ...
The engagement in peace support operations during and after the Yugoslav Wars marked the start of a new era in Swiss security policy. For the first time ever, Berne deployed substantial armed ...
Diese neuen Ressourcen bieten nicht nur wertvolle Einblicke in professionelle Mediationstechniken, sondern auch praxisnahe Unterstützung für FriedensvermittlerInnen in Konfliktgebieten sowie ...
Fast alle Friedensprozesse beinhalten Waffenstillstände. Diese Waffenstillstandsregelungen variieren stark in Bezug auf Timing, Inhalt und ihre Verbindung zum politischen Verhandlungsprozess. In ...