Republican state lawmakers refuse to tell the truth about school vouchers. They claim that providing hundreds of millions of ...
Texas professors and teachers' unions met with lawmakers Monday to say why they oppose school vouchers and limits on faculty ...
The Texas Senate unanimously approved a $336 billion budget that includes teacher pay raises, a school voucher program, and ...
Underly's campaign has repeatedly called Kinser a "voucher lobbyist," a label Kinser disputed. Kinser previously worked for ...
School vouchers, also known as school choice, have been a controversial subject in Texas education for the past four years.
A reader says that money Gov. Greg Abbott wants to spend on vouchers would go further if used to pay quality public school ...
MILWAUKEE - With election day fast approaching, voters are getting closer on deciding who will lead Wisconsin's Department of ...
Jolene Sanders thought a private school could give her son with autism the kind of specialized attention he needed. So she ...
So, as I understand school vouchers, public school teachers’ tax money pays the salary of private school teachers. Although I am not certain if this is constitutional, I am certain that it is ...
Underly said paying teachers more would do the most in making ... Tommy Thompson sending money to voucher schools. The solution to closing the gap was simple, she said. More money for schools.