John “Jack” Reed spent 20 years and 25 days as a physical oceanographer for the U.S. Coast Guard, and one of the major ...
The Alaska Division of Forestry and Fire Protection has declared an early start to fire season beginning March 17, a March 6 ...
State fire officials will begin requiring burn permits in much of Southcentral and Southeast Alaska as of March 17 under an ...
View west to port Valdez, the glacial fiord that will be the Trans-Alaska pipeline terminus, with Robe lake in the foreground the Lowe river dumps its burden of silty rock flour into port Valdez ...
Valdez (pronounced val-DEEZ) is at the southern end of the 800-mi/1,300-km engineering wonder known as the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline. The pipeline sends Alaska North Slope crude oil from the ...
Parts of the state with heightened fire danger encompassed by the order include Mat-Su, the Copper River Basin and Valdez, the Kenai Peninsula and Kodiak, McGrath and parts of Southwest Alaska and ...