There were severe delays on multiple roads following a crash on Route 22/322 in Dauphin County, according to PennDOT. Video ...
The township manager, along with local businesses and PennDOT, are in talks to sponsor an "Adopt-A-Highway" program.
The vehicles crashed at such force that they fused together in a ball of fire and traveled forward for another 685 feet ...
Starbucks unveiled a new plan that addresses Board members' concerns over safety and traffic backing up onto Route 22.
There's an unsightly mess collecting along a road in North Fayette — so much that it looks more like a landfill.
State police said that a tractor-trailer ran a red light and that sun glare may have played a factor in the crash.
A school van, a tractor-trailer and a third vehicle were involved in the crash at Route 22 and Route 819 on Friday morning.