JERUSALEM (JTA) — A decider of Jewish law for the national religious community said ahead of Tu b’Shvat that the proper blessing for chocolate is the one for fruits. The blessing, thanking ...
Tu Bishvat is not mentioned in the Bible at all. It first appears in the Mishna (around 200 CE), not as a festival but simply as a date marking the calculation of tithes for fruit trees.
Since Tu Bishvat is the new year for the etrog tree ... With a witty phrase, he noted that “behold, his prayer will bear fruit.” The Succot citron, etrog, is protectively wrapped in silky ...
Tu Bishvat (New Year of the Trees), which falls this year on February 13. We mark the day by eating fruit from the Seven Species for which the Land of Israel is praised – wheat, barley ...
Fruits from the Holy Land! I always felt a sense of wonder about it. The holiday of Tu B’Shvat is mentioned in the Mishna as the New Year of Trees (Rosh HaShanah, 1:1). The date is important in ...
On Tu BiShvat, we convey a message of renewal and ... to planting trees in Israel — created a campaign to plant 12,000 fruit trees in Kibbutz Nahal Oz, a Gaza border community that was ravaged ...