Here's what you need to know about the history of the coin toss. "Tails never fails" might not exactly live up to the expression, but it so far has the advantage. Super Bowl coin tosses have ...
This article will answer the question of "was the Super Bowl coin toss heads or tails?" We will post the results here as soon as the copper hits the turf in New Orleans. Update: The Chiefs called ...
Across the first 58 Super Bowls, the coin toss landed tails 30 times and heads 28 times. The longest ever streak for one result went from Super Bowl XLIII to Super Bowl XLVII, when it landed heads ...
What better way to start off Super Bowl 59 than with a heads or tails novelty bet. While some of these specialty props take more research than others, the coin toss is a true crapshoot, and entirely ...