Yet rich parents often want to give more. Here are the (sometimes barely legal) ways they get it done. A trust distributes ...
In the course of the next 20 years, an astounding $84 trillion is expected to change hands as older Americans pass assets on ...
Over the next few decades, the United States will witness one of the largest transfers of wealth in history, with estimates suggesting that over $72 trillion will change hands ...
After years in the doldrums, the luxury sector seems to be showing green shoots—Bank of America has found wealthy Gen Xers ...
With trillions of dollars in assets passing to surviving spouses before next-gen heirs, advisors must expand their digital ...
Clients depend on their financial advisers to encourage them to tackle estate planning and guide them through complex ...
They only had one weekend to give away $100 million of their inheritance. But first, karaoke.
With $46 trillion set to land in millennial heirs' hands, high-net-worth advisors must keep education and purpose in mind as ...
Last year, American women over 60 controlled about ... because everyone has heard of this great wealth transfer that's supposed to move trillions of dollars into the hands of women, but we wanted ...
Millions of US boomers are refusing to give their $84 trillion in real estate, wealth away to their adult kids — here’s why ...