His article "The Past as Destiny" will appear in the October issue of the Harvard Theological Review The Origins of the Hebrew ... the anthology modern scholars call the Hebrew Bible - and ...
But there is no word for history in the Hebrew Bible. In other words, what did the biblical writers think they were doing? Writing objective history? No. That's a modern discipline. They were ...
When we confess, we bang our chests on top of where our hearts are. Yet, the heart in classical Hebrew thought is not the seat of our feelings or love (‘With all my heart’) but the seat of our ...
At the University of Colorado we offer courses both in Modern Hebrew, where the focus is on its present-day usage, and in Biblical Hebrew, where we learn the intricacies of biblical forms and how to ...
Newark Advocate Faith Works columnist Jeff Gill explains why he finds the ancient collection of books that make up the Bible ...
It was written in Hebrew ... how relevant it is in the modern world because it was written so long ago. Christians believe in its simplest form the Bible is a story about God and how people ...
The Bible has a surprising amount to say regarding the origin of the Minoans. What are its claims, and how does this relate to archaeology?