On this week's episode: is our universe inside a black hole, Antarctic explorers, tracking teenaged turtles, and ...
Without plants on land, humans could not live on Earth. From mosses to ferns to grasses to trees, plants are our food, fodder and timber. All this diversity emerged from an algal ancestor that ...
Plant cells have several structures not found ... which remain similar to the cyanobacteria of 3 million years ago. However, the evolution of photosynthesis goes back even further, to the earliest ...
A new book details how lignin once protected algae from UV radiation, then later in evolutionary time became a structural support for trees.
What do cells, genes, mutations, transposons, RNA silencing, and DNA recombination have in common? All were discovered first in plants. It sounds grandiose, but it’s true, and plant biologists delight ...
All animal evolution for the last half billion years ... In order to be available to us, the remains of ancient plants and animals have to be preserved first, and this means that they need to ...
After consultation with his colleague Robert Morley, he realises with amazement that, unlike the dinosaurs, the relatives of ...
A new source of nitrogen has been discovered. Researchers from RPTU University Kaiserslautern-Landau in southwestern Germany ...
But while plant and animal species generate at least ... but not the unicellular one might have been important for the evolution of multicellularity. That is, certain "special" genes for ...