The black cab will vanish from the capital's streets by 2045 if something is not done to reverse decline in the trade, ...
The Knowledge' to be made easier in bid to safeguard London's beleaguered black taxi trade - Fewer than 15,000 licensed taxis ...
They remain one of the most iconic and most-loved sights of London life, with their roots in the horse-drawn hackney carriages of Tudor times. But a new report warns the capital's black cabs could ...
‘I got into being a cabbie because I was tired of working in a shop', says former London black cab driver Daniel Doy. ‘I had two cabbies as customers who used to come in, very friendly ...
Many are calling for a public inquiry into past cases where Black children were wrongly classified as “educationally ...
Aside from Big Ben and the beefeaters outside Buckingham Palace, there isn’t much that’s more iconically London than the black cab. As instantly recognisable to tourists on their first day in ...
Welcome to The Black & White Building – the tallest mass-timber office building in central London, as well as the first workspace development that TOG has built entirely from scratch, and its most ...