Near the town of Spring Green, on land owned by his mother’s family, he built Taliesin, a home and studio whose name means “Shining Brow“ in Welsh. Taliesin’s floor plan used the dynamic ...
We are an outdoor outfit; besides it costs thirty-five hundred dollars to heat all our buildings at Taliesin, so it is cheaper to move Southwest. The trek across continent began November ...
Taliesin is believed to have lived between 534 and 599. He was chief bard in the courts of at least three kings of Britain, and is associated with the Book of Taliesin, a text from the 10th ...
A National Historic Landmark and the only UNESCO World Heritage Site open to the public in the state of Wisconsin, Taliesin Preservation is the home, studio, school and 800-acre agricultural ...
Located in Scottsdale, Taliesin West sits about 25 miles northeast of downtown Phoenix and is best reached by car. To visit, you'll have to opt for either the 60-minute audio tour (which requires ...
Taliesin West was in fact just the winter home of the architect Frank Lloyd Wright, a pioneer of modernism. Perched on the arid hills of Scottsdale, this singular abode, built by Wright in 1937 ...