It's been nearly eight years since DICE delivered one of the most controversial Star Wars games of all time, but some may ...
There are more than 40 maps in the Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection, but some are undeniably more enjoyable than others. Many of the maps are direct recreations of iconic locations from ...
A multiplayer online shooter set in the Star Wars universe featuring soldier sets from the series and a wide variety of vehicles out of the films.
Celebrate Star Wars with these must-have Funko Pops from the Sequel Trilogy, The Mandalorian, and beyond. These Star Wars games allow players to enjoy the thrills of being a Stormtrooper ...
2005's Star Wars Battlefront 2 works as well as it did, not only because it made you feel like a small cog in the much larger war machine, as you joined with either Resistance or Empire forces on ...