These bugs are thought to bring good luck and wealth, but you have to be wealthy to own one in the first place!
Max Barclay, Senior Curator in Charge of the Museum's beetle collection, says: 'Stag beetles are rare and threatened throughout northern Europe and the populations in the Thames Valley are some of the ...
While most of us may think twice about spending this much in buying an insect, this stag beetle with powerful mandibles has ...
an insect that she believed represented the presence of her late husband. A stag beetle is a cultural symbol in Inoue’s native Japan. To make one in tribute, Inoue collected every shade of green ...
Its name comes from enormous jaws that look rather like a stag’s antlers. Stag beetles take years to mature to their adult state and need to be left undisturbed while they’re developing.
There are more than 2,000 species of beetles known from the London area,' says Max Barclay, Senior Curator in Charge of the Museum's beetle collection. 'London is even a stronghold for the rare ...
During the event in Ipswich more than 18 different species of tree were planted A new woodland highlighting the importance of stag beetles has been planted. Green-fingered volunteers took part in ...