Two molecular control factors play a decisive role in what is known as splicing, the cutting and assembly of mature messenger ...
They succeeded once they were able to isolate the splicing complexes of the fungus that were in the midst of quality control ...
A complex molecular machine, the spliceosome, ensures that the genetic information from the genome, after being transcribed into mRNA precursors, is correctly assembled into mature mRNA.
This article was review by Thomas Cooper, MD from Baylor College of Medicine. Stay up to date on the latest science with Brush Up Summaries. Despite its significance, alternative splicing’s global ...
The process of RNA splicing by the spliceosome helps to generate molecular diversity beyond the genome sequence. In the May 3 Science, Tyson Clark and colleagues at the University of California, Santa ...
In human cells, only a small proportion of the information written in genes is used to produce proteins. How does the cell select this information? A large molecular machine called the spliceosome ...
We study minor spliceosome which is a parallel pre-mRNA splicing machinery in the cells of most metazoan organisms. Our main aim is to investigate mechanism and regulation of this nuclear machinery, ...