They succeeded once they were able to isolate the splicing complexes of the fungus that were in the midst of quality control ...
who has been working on pre-mRNA splicing machinery for more than 15 years, first decided to focus on the minor spliceosome seven years ago. When the Galej Group started the project, little was ...
EMBL Grenoble Group Leader Wojciech Galej, who has been working on pre-mRNA splicing machinery for more than 15 years, first decided to focus on the minor spliceosome seven years ago – a project ...
These sequences, which help position the splicing apparatus, are found in the exons of genes and bind proteins that help recruit splicing machinery to the correct site. Most splicing occurs ...
The RNA quality control machinery directs the degradation of ... Proper splicing requires efficient spliceosome assembly. Here the authors reveal that zinc finger protein 207 interacts with ...
We study minor spliceosome which is a parallel pre-mRNA splicing machinery in the cells of most metazoan organisms. Our main aim is to investigate mechanism and regulation of this nuclear machinery, ...