The adjoining exons are covalently bound, and the resulting lariat is released with U2, U5, and U6 bound to it. In addition to consensus sequences at their splice sites, eukaryotic genes with long ...
This study demonstrates that after splicing is finished, the spliceosome is still active and can convert the lariat intron into a circle using a third reaction (green arrow 3) marked by an asterix.
A complex molecular machine, the spliceosome, ensures that the genetic information from the genome, after being transcribed into mRNA precursors, is correctly assembled into mature mRNA.
Something seemed to be interacting with the lariat introns after they were removed from the RNA sequence to change their shape, and the spliceosome was his main suspect. "I thought that was ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) A new regulatory mechanism in RNA splicing has been identified, involving LUC7 proteins that influence spliceosome targeting of specific 5' splice sites. This ...