YourWater Testing Needs, All in One Spectrophotometer The DR 6000 has the most pre-programmed testing methods, including high-speed wavelength scanning across the UV and Visible Spectrum.
DS-11 Series of Spectrophotometer / Fluorometers combine UV-Vis absorbance and fluorescence methods in one compact, maintenance-free instrument. Rapidly quantify seven orders of magnitude of ...
DeNovix introduces the Helium 1 µL Spectrophotometer, a new affordable nanovolume spectrophotometer in the DS-Series ...
He’s built a super cheap, but very good spectrophotometer. The idea of a spectrophotometer is simple enough – shine light through a sample, send that light through a diffraction grating ...
Measures the transmission and reflection properties of optical elements and materials from the ultraviolet to the near infrared. Open on a case-by-case basis to the university users outside of the ...
Spectrophotometer is used to measure absorption or transmission of light at a specific wavelength in a solution which allows the concentration of a chemical component to be determined using a prepared ...
A portable spectrophotometer (the apparatus that measures reflectance) capable of measuring both the visible and infrared spectra was used to develop this method. Quality parameters, including ...
Do your best work with an enhanced understanding of sample quality with the NanoDrop One spectrophotometer. Thermo Fisher Scientific is the world leader in serving science. They provide cutting-edge ...
ABSTRACT PPak is a new fiber‐based integral field unit (IFU) developed at the Astrophysical Institute of Potsdam and implemented as a module into the existing Potsdam Multi‐Aperture Spectrophotometer ...