During the Catch Mastery event, Pokemon Go failed to increase the Shiny encounter rates for Omanyte and Kabuto, leaving ...
This new Pokémon Go event lets you show off your catching prowess while earning valuable candies to evolve your shiny ...
Pokémon Go’s Deep Depths event features an interesting lineup of dark-type and water-type Pokémon, as well as a certain fox’s ...
Pokemon GO Festival of Colors 2025 event debuts the much-awaited Shiny Bruxish. There are different ways to encounter a Shiny Bruxish, especially during featured events like the Festival of Colors.
One Pokemon Go event has left a lot of players fuming due to a Shiny mistake, which made their effort felt like a waste.
One Pokemon GO player is incredibly lucky, and shares the result of their successful walk filled with shiny Pokemon encounters.
Pokémon GO has announced a new Catch Mastery event which will task Trainers with perfecting their throws to each Archen ...
It is possible to encounter Shiny Inkay in Pokemon GO. The shiny variant of this Pokemon appeared for the first time during the Inkay Limited Research event on September 3, 2022. It has been ...
Niantic botched Pokémon Go's Catch Mastery event, failing to boost Shiny rates for Omanyte and Kabuto. Now, fans are outraged ...